… it really does, check it yourself;) tomorrow, monday the 5th, at 18:00, Browar Lubicz you are invited to joyn a unique vernissage: our flatmate LENA from Germany will exhibit…
Dear LABOroomers and future guests: happy to officially announce that LABOrooms is finally a recycling-friendly place!!! In accordance with justly pressing EU norms, recycling practice has been spreading in Polish…
What is going on here?!! Plus 9 degrees, sun and an actually clear sky is delighting Cracovians since the day before yesterday! Very atypical for our city… is this a…
LABOrecruitment for spring semester completed! Our geographical, typographical, botanical, meteorological, lighthouse, theatre and ODO’s flat are fully rented: once again, an international community will be filling LABOrooms:)
If you haven’t, you should definitely go to the Market Square to enjoy Krakow’s Christmas Market, one of the nicest winter amenities of the city. You can find there many…