Becoming Acquainted with Jerusalem. Photographs 1857-1900
Raw, powerful, and authentic – the photographs from the antique collection of Abraham Madeisker create an obscure tale told by many voices, the authors of which are Félix Bonfils, Tancrède Dumas, Francis Firth, Frank Mason Good, James Robertson, C. and G. Zagaki, as well as photographers of the American Colony.
The images presented in the exhibition are 19th century pictures of Jerusalem, mostly comprising albuminous photographs. They serve not only as a testament to the development of photography at that time, but moreover are a permanent reminder of Jerusalem used to look like. Nowadays, those traces are hidden under the fabric of the city, yet these photographs uncover a whole new dimension.
The seemingly distant and unreal world of the photographs opens up before the viewer, inviting onlookers to start a personal relationship with Jerusalem.
The organisers would like to thank Abraham Madeisker for the free loan of photographs.
Practical Information
Exhibition duration: 27 June – 28 November 2010
Exhibition opening: 27 June, 3 pm (as part of the 20th Jewish Culture Festival)
Seweryn Udziela Ethnographic Museum in Krakow
ul. Krakowska 46
Normal price: 7 zloty
Concessions: 4 zloty
Seweryn Udziela Ethnographic Museum in Krakow
Jewish Culture Festival Association