04.02.2011 | Opinion about our flat, made by one of tenants

I was really satisfied with everything, so I don’t have a lot to say 🙂

It was really comfortable (to I think all of us) that we had a contact person with you and that we could contact you all the time whenever omething was wrong with the flat or something else.

The rooms were nicely furnitured so that I felt really well there. I think it is a good idea for Erasmus students, that we didn’ t have to deal with stuff like the Internet access or craftsmen if something did not work, especially due to the fact that none of us could really speak polish 🙂

Furthermore, I liked the fact that we just pay for the media we really consumed and that we managed it seperately for each month.

So I ilke to thank you for your help and wish you good like with the next students that life in Lubicz!

Kind regads,


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