01.02.2011 | JAZZPOSPOLITA

One of the most interesting debuts of the Polish scene alternative jazz recent years.

JAZZPOSPOLITA is a great fusion of jazz tradition and post-rock modernity. Excellent skills, melodic imagination, excellent knowledge of contemporary musical language – all this makes the Warsaw quartet a great followers of the alternative Polish jazz tradition.

Four musicians, five instruments, numerous sources of inspiration and as a result of vigorous quartet playing music from an unnamed box. Avantgarde-Jazz? Post-Rock? Nu-Jazz? Avant-Pop? JAZZPOSPOLITA with respect to the canon, but boldness in step over the genre patterns that compromise goes to the unknown, combining and deforming it, which absorbs its members. Azimuth is eclectic.
17-02-2011, (Thursday), at 20

15zł advance sale; 20zł in concert day;

More information on jazzpospolita.com

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